Intex Spa / Hot Tub Wifi Controller (ESP8266) + Home Assistant

Using the work of @UlrichMai as a base, I've built a fully automated wifi controller for my Intex Hot Tub. The original controller was manual, with no remote abilities.

Using what Ulrich has already done, I set about removing the HomeKit support, as I indented to integrate it with Home Assistant.

MQTT is the best and easiest way to integrate custom ESP builds, so thats what I did.

I've spent quite a bit of time testing and stabilising the code, so that I can confidently leave it running and not get any restarts.

I've taken the code and the hardware configs and run with it. I've made a fork of the code here:

I added and removed a few things:

  • Added: MQTT Support (logging, state and control)
  • Added: Uptime monitoring (via MQTT)
  • Refactored: Most of the code, to be more stable. It does not crash as much (or at all), when changing settings remotely)
  • Removed: HomeKit Support (Home Assistant, which I use it with, has HomeKit built in)

Please feel free to take any code or suggest changes to my code :)